Frequently Asked Questions

What's your name and nickname?

My full name is Maria Cassandra Villarroel Legaspi and my nickname is Cassy.

When's your birthday? 

I was born on January 6, 2001

What's your height?

I'm 5'6"

Any hobbies?

Well, I love sports in general like volleyball, basketball, and recently I've been playing football. I love singing (don't we all turn into Adele in the shower at some point?) I also love dancing! 


I have a twin brother, his name is Mavy

On Instagram and other social media accounts:

What's your Instagram?

My Instagram is @cassylegaspi

Why is your Instagram account private? Can you accept my follower request?

I guess it's cause my parents want me to be safe, and i'm sorry i only accept the people i know..

Do you have a Twitter account?

Nope, I don't and I've never had one. 

Do you have a Facebook account? Can I add you? 

Yes, I do have a Facebook account but that's way more private than my Instagram.

 What happened to your ask.fm account?

I deactivated it..cause i was too "into it", you know what i mean? I was just on it too much.


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